Early February RP Update
Big things afoot now in the MUCK. Make sure to join us for scheduled RP gatherings at 2PM Pacific time on Saturdays, or come see who’s around any time!
What’s happened recently (Background that’s helpful to know about)
- Glowtide Festivities were held in Downwarp, on Neptune, and in the Blazepath Preserve. Lights were lit, treats were eaten, companionship was had.
- A strange archway was discovered that led to an elaborate extradimensional Museum. It seems to have a connection to the old Mess of Warps, complete with ‘exhibits’ that replicate the ones that are still unreachable due to the Fracturing.
- Voksa met the Museum’s… curator? Avatar? They (and by extension the Museum) seem to be wounded by the separation of the Warps, longing to be reconnected.
What’s going on now (RP hooks for you to join in on)
- Although the versions of the lost Warps in the Museum are clearly unreal, they seem to have connections to the extant fragments of those Warps, via what appear to be locked doors. Could this help in rediscovering other pieces?